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How You Can Help

Your gift may be used to purchase new equipment, replacing outdated technology, or to upgrade existing equipment. This is critical to smaller facilities such as ours when resources are limited. It is also imperative to keep staff and physicians up to date as new technology and procedures become available. Therefore, educational programs for patients, staff, physicians and general public are also part of our mandate.

Our viability depends on the support of the community. It is important that we spend our health care dollar wisely in order to sustain our system.

If you have a special intention for the use of your funds, this can be designated with your contribution. Otherwise, we will use our discretion to put the funds to the best possible use.

If you would like to help, please complete the coupon attached and mail it to the foundation. Thank you for your generosity.


There are many ways that you can become involved and help make a difference to our Foundation.

commemorative.jpgMemorial Giving

You may wish to contribute funds to the Foundation in honor of a special person. You might feel deep satisfaction by making a memorial contribution to the Daysland General Hospital Foundation (DGHF). By doing so, you can pay thoughtful tribute to the memory of a friend or relative while at the same time making a humanitarian gesture of goodwill.

An acknowledgment will be sent to the family of the person being honored. Your name will be designated, but the amount of the gift will not be disclosed. You will receive an official tax receipt.

With your gift please include: 

  • The name of the person you are honoring 
  • The name and address of the person you wish to be notifi ed of your gift 
  • Your name and address 

Special memorial envelopes are available at local churches and funeral homes.

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A planned gift is simply one which is planned now, but delivered at a later time and may be continuous. Examples include bequests, endowments, gifts of life insurance, gift annuities.

Generally, these gifts are made so that on the donor’s death, a designated portion of their estate is transferred to the Foundation to be used as the donor stipulated. An example could be the establishment of an endowment fund in which the principle of the gift remains intact in perpetuity with the investment income used by the Foundation.

In addition to the personal satisfaction of leaving a lasting legacy which will benefi t the hospital and the community forever, there are other benefi ts to the donor as well. For example, planned gifts provide donors with another way to give while lowering their tax bracket, reduce tax liability and even generate income for themselves and their heirs in the case of gift annuities.


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Throughout the year, you can donate funds at anytime directly to the Foundation. There may be special events that you may wish to support which benefi t the foundation, or you may want to simply give a cash donation to recognize the hospital or its employees for providing excellent care.



P: 780.374.3746 E:
5920 51 Avenue, Daysland, Alberta T0B 1A0
©2024 Daysland Hospital Foundation ::
Website by EDGE Marketing & Design Inc.